

Caring and Companioning


In all our lives, there are times when we are ready to offer comfort and help to others, and times when we ourselves will need comfort and help from others. UU Wellesley Hills is a place where both those things are expected. Sometimes we offer practical assistance to one another, such as rides to services or events, for instance. Sometimes the needs we can meet are spiritual or emotional needs, in those situations where personal concerns feel pressing and supportive listening could help.

Our commitment to shared ministries mean that both lay members and clergy people cooperate in offering care and companionship to congregants and friends. The Caring and Companioning Team often coordinates volunteers to help with errands, provide a few meals, or arrange transportation to appointments. It also helps  with Memorial Services by designating usher support. Members of the C&C Team additionally offer deep listening and supportive contact. They hold matters in confidence and consult with our ministers as needed. If you would like to be connected with our Caring & Companioning Team, please contact the UU Wellesley Hills office directly, or reach out to one of our ministers.